Инфы нет!Ничего нет про них!Есь ипи 2004 года(One Cross Each),вроде у них ничо боше и нет(((
Моя любимая группа,но ничиво про них не могу найти((((
Оч нужна инфа и фоты!Ребят,помогите!Как появица возможность,обязательно залью вам их ипиху
8th Of September (Screamo)
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Поделиться12007-11-29 13:38:05
Поделиться22007-11-29 15:43:08
группа отличная. вот только инфу про них действительно нет.
вот нашёл немного. и то на инглише:
These boys will need a quick introduction before reviewing their debut CD "One cross each".
8th of September is a local religious day in Chipiona, but yet it is also a screamo band from Chipiona. Christian Punk Rock? not this time, it's more like "sarcastic Screamo". They are one of the ground breaking bands of the south of Spain. A part of the world not well known for its hardcore/Emo musical culture, however they have proved that you can make any type of music and do it well no matter where in the world you live.
One Cross Each is their debut album on Fragment Music, a small spanish independent who have released some interesting work by bands such as Same Old or the Hardboiled and are clinging on to continue functioning. I'm not sure if the title "One cross each" has anything to do with monty python's "Life of Brian": Cruzifiction?, o.k. one cross each stay on the left..." or perhaps it's me looking further into it than I should.This piece of work has got only 5 songs, but however well recorded and produced at Pig Studios (Granada) and extremely well performed. These guys have managed to write some extremely expresive music. With an amazing range of feeling and tempos and with a quality that you wouldn't believe. With very powerfull vocals that range from a rusty melody to exorbital screams. The pronunciation is very good but not excelent, however the lyrics are very well written and it makes up for any little pronounce hic-ups.
The only problem I have with this album is the bass. Not in performance but in production, as I feel it is a little too in the background in the mix for my liking. He does play very consistant bass lines that I wish had more presence, and I only feel sad for I think it would make this album "phatter" (for lack of a better word) and give it that little extra punch. However this is only a minor detail and that's why it still scores a 90%
The guitar riffs sound awesome, and they range from beautifully melodic to deadly agresive. Also on the last song they have an extra little something which sounds like some sort of ghostly xylophone (?) which is very apreciated.
Whereas for the rythm section, is also top-notch. With subtle tempo and not so subtle beat changes that fit in with no problem whatsoever, not falling in what I think allot of emo/screamo bands tend to fall in: overcomplicating the rythms section 'till you can't even bop your head along with the music.
As for the inlay cover work is a nine out of ten too. Designed by Pikino, a young graphic designer from the area who I'm sure will find himself getting allot of work after people see what he has done with this booklet. Designed entirely with pictures of an old Hospital which were (apparently) found in the rubish and put together in a fantasmagorical sepia/brown tone with all sorts of detail.Overall I think this album isn't only good, but it also shows allot of potential and hardwork (both on the musical and graphic aspect), which I'm sure will lead to many more albums in the future. Lets hope we don't have to wait too long to for a full length from these guys. Keep your ears and eyes open for them. They have a very powerfull live act too, which is what matters the most.
можешь не заливать.
8th of september - 2004 - One cross each [EP]
192 kbps, 28 Mb
01 - A small disclaim in today's bustle.mp3
02 - La petite vendetta.mp3
03 - Autumn hands.mp3
04 - November ways.mp3
05 - Summer, as unexpected as always.mp3